
2023 Intramural Open – Week 3 Update

Week 3 has come and gone, and with it, the 2023 Open has come to a close. We once again saw wall walks and double unders. There wasn’t a huge opportunity for PR’s this week, but we saw a couple with members who managed to snatch more weight than they ever have previously.

Friday Night Lights was a little smaller than previous weeks, but the energy was fantastic. Team Conversational Pace stepped up to deliver the most refreshments for everyone, so the 10 point team spirit bonus went to them. However, it was not enough of a boost to overtake 2 Legit 2 Quit.

As with previous Opens, at the end of the day, the final score largely came down to participation. You can earn 3 points per WOD completed, plus an additional 5-point bonus per person if they complete all 3 workouts. 2 Legit 2 Quit once again had the highest turnout, as they have had every week. This means they also had the most 3-week bonuses earned. Even though we’ve adjusted scoring to lower points for completion and reward PR’s and podium spots a bit more, it’s very challenging to overcome a team that consistently has higher turnout.

So, congratulations to captain Wanda Ramos and 2 Legit 2 Quit, our 2023 Intramural Open champions! Full breakdown below:

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