Congratulations to Wanda Ramos, our October 2022 member of the month here at Viking Athletics! Wanda is a loyal 5am CrossFitter who just added 35 lbs to her front squat by completing our recent front squat cycle. Outside of the gym, Wanda enjoys traveling, Latin dancing, and watching Turkish Dizis. Keep reading to learn more about Wanda below!
1. What are your hobbies/interest/talents outs of the gym?
Latin Dancing, traveling, and Turkish Dizis
2. Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
I was born in Japan and I have a fraternal twin sister. We are JapaRican.
My favorite swim stroke is butterfly and favorite event is 200 Individual Medley.
3. How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
3 years (although I can’t remember exactly when I started)
4. Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
While I don’t remember the first workout or first week at Viking (Relentless at the time) I do remember feeling welcomed from the start. I remember weekend WODs with Mari, Nancy (so glad you are back), and Andrea (now in Iceland). And doing the health challenges with my buddies Jacqui and Margo. And each WOD with the 5amers! We have such a supportive crew at 5am and I also feel this when I have to drop into an evening workout here and there.
5. What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
21 Kipping Pull-Ups during the Cross-Fit Opens last year. The year before (or maybe it was pre-pandemic) I struggled through 6 Pull Ups. And while I did the 21 kipping slowly yet steadily, I was able to do them and then move the next movement.
Most recently I’m proud of my 35lb Front Squat PR, and more so because of all the other gains: better able to keep my chest up in body weight squats (a baseline movement I struggle with); smoother and easier kettle bell OHS (oh, yea!), and what feels to be a stronger toes to bar. Thank you Sarah E.
Oh, and I can’t forget getting double-unders during the pandemic!!! Talk about consistently working something and seeing progress.
6. Design your perfect workout
EMOM – Burpees, Toes 2 Bar, OHS and 200M Run
7. What is your least favorite movement?
Thrusters and wall balls…hmmmm
8. Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Not sure this meets the ask and maybe because it is fall and my favorite time of year, and still coming out of the pandemic: Fireplace, coffee, chocolate-chip-cookies, a good book / Turkish Dizi.
9. Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?
Yes, I go to bed earlier (8:30/9p), eat what my body needs (most of the time) vs what my mental state thinks my body needs, and less alcohol.
10. What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
I get asked quite often why I do cross fit and it normally comes with a “it’s so hard” or “you can get hurt” angle. What I like to tell people is that Cross-Fit helps me physically and mentally, and the right community is strong, healthy and encouraging. On the physical, EVERY MOVEMENT can be modified or scaled to meet you where you are. Let me repeat that, Cross-Fit and great coaches meet you where you are so there is less of a chance that you will give up or get hurt. Each movement can be modified or scaled so that you are safe, challenged, and grow stronger with time.
On the mental, I’m challenged mentally each day I walk into the box. I may have improved my leg use in a clean or snatch, which may then reveal I need a faster arm turnover. I’m constantly learning and growing. And it’s a great way to start your day. Hell, if you can get through some of our WODs you can get through your work day.
As for the community, well, if you pick the right box with the right coaches and people you will be surrounded by others who want to be challenged, who want to learn and grow, and who want to take care of their bodies as best that they can. Yes, there are many ways to do all of this, it just so happens that Cross-Fit has the mix I like – group workouts, being challenged physically and mentally, and a community of individuals who want to take care of their bodies and health. No one is perfect, but as a community we help build each other up or get back up when we need it.