Congratulations to Vanessa Cavanaugh for being CFR’s January Member of the Month for 2020! She is a dancer turned rugby fanatic who enjoys various class times, but a new job may make her a permanent 5pm-er! Come learn more about Vanessa!
1) What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?
I’m sure most of you have gathered from either my Wodify picture, the t-shirts I wear, or because I’ve tried to recruit you, that my main hobby outside of CrossFit is rugby. I play pretty much February through November and have for about 9 years now. (..and here is the part where I try to recruit you…if you’re even a little bit interested in playing, let me know!)
2) Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
Prior to finding rugby and CrossFit, I was a gymnast for 10 years, a dancer for 15, and played basketball and volleyball.
3) How long have you been with us at CFR?
I started at CFR in May of 2019.
4) Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
I was super nervous! I emailed Erik probably 50 questions prior to coming and dragged my fiancée with me to a 6am class (still working on getting her to leave Hybrid and come to us!). I remember being nervous because my shoulders were in rough shape at the time due to some un-cared for rugby injuries, but Erik and Beth were so helpful. I want to say the workout had snatches in it, which was my worst fear, but we made it happen and I haven’t looked back since.
5) What moment/achievement are you most proud of at CFR?
Figuring out the actual rhythm for toes to bar! It clicked for me just the other day (with some serious help from Raf) and now I look forward to working on stringing more and more together consistently.
6) Design your perfect workout?
I don’t really know exactly what it would be, but I do know Derek would say, “This one is right in your wheelhouse,” and there would be rowing, and burpees involved…and definitely not double unders.
7) What is your least favorite movement?
Double unders. Hands down.
8) Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Life is short, do it.
9) Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?
I’m not sure my lifestyle has changed much, as I’ve always been pretty regular with working out. However, I do feel that I look forward to working out differently than I did prior to CrossFit. I look forward to seeing everyone, rather than trying to get my workout done on my own and get out; and I definitely push myself harder than I used to, thanks to the help of our coaches.
10) What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
See question #8. But really, do it.