Congratulations to Steve Kutscher for being the Viking Athletics September Member of the Month! Steve is an avid backpacker/mountaineer who travels the nation to spend time in the backcountry. At Viking Athletics, he rotates between our 8:45, noon, and 4pm classes. His interview is below.
- What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?
I spend most of my spare time with my family and new puppy, Gus. But, I do love spending time in the backcountry. In the last few years I’ve been backpacking in the Gila and Yellowstone, Canyoneering in Utah and Mountaineering in the Wind River Range.
- Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
I can juggle.
Editor’s Note: we’re still waiting for video confirmation of this.
- How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
I joined the first week of March.
- Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
I felt at home right away and was impressed by the coaching, facility and equipment. As for remembering workouts, I forget workouts almost immediately after finishing them… a coping skill. But, I believe there were wall balls because I hadn’t done them in awhile.
- What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
I’m getting double-unders consistently now and using a 55 lbs kettlebell in workouts while previously I would use 35 lbs or 44 lbs.
- Design your perfect workout?
800m run
25 reps 225lb Deadlift
5 rounds of Cindy (5 kipping pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats = 1 round)
25 reps 225lb Deadlift
800m run
- What is your least favorite movement?
- Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Keep moving forward
- Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?
I care more about my sleeping and eating and I make workouts a priority by putting them on my calendar.
- What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
I’d suggest that someone trust the process, be in it for the long term and remind yourself often what CrossFit allows you to do outside the gym.