Congratulations to Richie Mount – February 2020 member of the month at CrossFit Relentless! Richie is a loyal member of the 5pm class, an avid bowler, and husband to Coach Monique Mount. His interview is below, with some bonus content at the end. Enjoy!
- What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?
Bowling has pretty much been my life for the last 20 years: participating in leagues and tournaments, to now working on the machines that send your ball back and put down the pins. I get asked often but no I’ve never bowled a 300, my highest is 299.
I’ve also been playing video games since I was like 3. Do you know how much Mario you can play in nearly 30 years? A lot.
What else….uh…..board games, brewery hopping, indoor go kart racing, watching anything Star Wars.
And of course the Yankees. Which makes for some interesting baseball seasons because Monique is a Red Sox fan.
- Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
Got a bowling lane in your basement? I’m your guy. Need you brakes done? Call someone else, I’m fairly car illiterate. I know how everything works, but no idea how most of it goes together
- How long have you been with us at CFR?
February 12th was my 6th month anniversary
- Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
Wondering what I had got myself into, and having flashbacks to the fitness tests in grade school gym class. This was mostly a completely new experience for me, as I’d never even picked up a barbell before. Fran sticks out in my mind, especially the whole not being able to breathe part. After on ramp there was lots of “what does that mean?”
- What moment/achievement are you most proud of at CFR?
There’s 2. First, the results I got from the Fall ’19 nutrition challenge. Second, my max front squat from last week. It was the first time that I felt like my form and strength came together in a movement.
- Design your perfect workout?
Uhh… I’m not sure what would be in my perfect workout but I know what wouldn’t be in it and that’s wallballs
- What is your least favorite movement?
Here’s a clue, it starts with a “W” and ends with “allballs”
- Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Always be better
- Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?
CrossFit has given me so much more to try and improve on. Obviously form, strength, etc., but also nutrition and sleep habits.
- What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
If they’re a complete CrossFit n00b like me: First, don’t be intimated by all the weight on someone else’s bar, every workout can be customized to fit what you’re capable of. Second, there’s going to be times in the middle of workouts when your brain is going to say “I can’t do this”; don’t listen to it. Even if you don’t believe you can finish, every single other person in the gym believes you can. Remember that and fight past that doubt. The WODs that I wanted to quit halfway through were the most rewarding to finish.