Congratulations to Peter Bowman, our July 2023 member of the month here at Viking Athletics! Peter is a member of our powerlifting program, having previously been a member of our CrossFit and personal training programs. He just competed in his first powerlifting meet! When not in the gym, Peter is a lawyer and founding partner of his firm, he golfs, and skis. Keep reading to learn more about him, and congrats again, Peter!
- What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of the gym?
I am the husband of fellow member, Melissa Bowman, and a father of four (4) kids. I play about forty rounds of golf per year and ski about thirty days each year in Vermont. Whatever time is left I spend growing my law firm, BBB Attorneys, which focusses on litigation and helping people who were injured in car crashes.
- Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
I used to be a college football official.
- How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
I did a short stint with Viking Athletics in 2016, after a CrossFit gym close to my work, Metacomet CrossFit, closed. I fell off after focusing on work and starting my law firm. I returned in 2022, working with Erik directly for personal training and I have since been working with the powerlifting team.
- Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
Every time you start with a gym, you have some initial nerves. I found the members and staff welcoming and supportive. I feel like I have started at Viking three times. Once in 2016, once in 2022, and then when I joined the powerlifting team. Each time was better and better. One early workout I do remember was part of “The Open” where I somehow dominated a rowing and wallball cycle they put us through. Why are wall balls so terrible?
- What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
I will let you know tomorrow. I am doing my first powerlifting competition since high school on Saturday. In preparation for that, I have worked really hard to get my squat and deadlift above 500 pounds. Erik has been so helpful in identifying weaknesses in my erector muscles in my lower back. Alex has continued that great work. It is amazing to me how important form, rather than brute strength, can improve your 1RM. I am currently lifting heavier than I ever did in high school or college.
- Design your perfect workout?
Max Rep Back Squats, 315#, followed by 20 minutes on the foam roller.
- What is your least favorite movement?
I really struggle with the Olympic style lifting. The timing can be challenging and humbling.
- Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Perseverance leads to satisfaction.
- Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?
Since joining Viking, I have found more confidence and enjoyment in weightlifting. I think exercise is so important for your mental health. Consistently lifting and challenging yourself in the gym will provide a level of enjoyment and accomplishment that can then help you with other aspects of your life (business, family, friends).
- What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
For people who have recently joined, I recommend you stick with it. Just being consistent in attending classes will create a habit that you will be proud of in the future. Also, no one cares how much you lift, whether you scale, or what your time is in a WOD. Whether in a group class, or individual training, just focus on your improvement.
For those thinking about joining, the environment at Viking is so accepting and supportive. The comradery in the teams and the group workout classes is real and helps to get you through the workout. These can be challenging classes, but when you participate with others who are powering through the same it inspires you to finish strong and carry on. It is way better than doing bicep curls, alone, at any local gym.