Congratulations to Lucas Codognolla, our October member of the month here at Viking Athletics! Lucas is a member of our evening CrossFit classes. In addition to being a coffee connoisseur, Lucas is a social entrepreneur working in philanthropic endeavors. Keep reading to learn more about him!
1) What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of the gym?
Outside of the gym, you can find me exploring different coffee shops around the state! Growing up in Brazil, I’ve been drinking coffee since I was a toddler and would admit tasting different kinds of coffee is now a hobby, an interest…and/or an addiction?. Outside of coffee, I love a nice beach, watching documentaries, and live music.
2) Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
I currently work in Philanthropy and have been a social entrepreneur since high school. I’ve had the chance to lead and support the growth of numerous non-profit organizations in CT.
3) How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
I joined Viking Athletics in February 2023. Depending on the week and the WOD, it feels like yesterday or much longer.
4) Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
It was the on-ramp sessions with Coach Erik – I learned the clean and snatch and almost died doing a half “Nancy.” I remember posting on social media that I started CrossFit training and some of my friends laughed at me and said I wouldn’t last. To be honest, I thought so too, especially after feeling sore in places I did not know I could get sore. Nine months in, here we are!
5) What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
Outside of lasting this long in a training program, I would say feeling stronger and getting comfortable with weightlifting. Hitting any PR feels great!
6) Design your perfect workout?
Any quick (less than 5 min) descending reps WOD that incorporates Kettlebells, some squat variation, and deadlifts.
7) What is your least favorite movement?
Changes on a monthly basis (LOL), right now, probably overhead squatting anything heavier than an empty barbell. Last month, handstand pushups. 2 months ago, pull ups…
8) Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Healthy, active, balanced, enjoyable life!
9) Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?
Yes! In big and small ways. Feeling stronger, more energized, and getting better sleep transformed my lifestyle. Your body starts to crave the gym and to be more active. I like this feeling and it’s encouraging me to prioritize my health and wellbeing in all parts of my life. I have a long way to go, but im excited for what’s to come. Next step, learn to breathe better during workouts – I’m a mouth breather.
10) What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
Trust the process, challenge your body out of its comfort zone, and listen to the your coaches – especially the tips and tricks that sound ridiculous and stupid at first, but makes so much sense once you get the technique.