
Lauren Schwartz – May 2021 Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Lauren Schwartz, our May 2021 Member of the Month at Viking Athletics! Lauren is a loyal member of our 5:30pm class who volunteers with cats, and, like most self-described “vertically challenged” people, she hates wallballs. We’re still waiting to see her perform her 6th grade dance routine to Missy Elliott’s “Lose Control.” Enjoy her interview!

Lauren Schwartz - May 2021

  • What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?

I spend a lot of time volunteering with cats- at a shelter in East Hartford or socializing the foster cat we usually have at home. I grew up with dogs but quarantine did weird things to all of us, and now we have a cat. If I’m not working with cats, I’m probably eating, napping (I LOVE naps), doing school work, or trying to find a dog to pet.

Lauren Schwartz - May 2021
Dexter- our first foster cat that never left…


  • Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?

I danced for my entire childhood and competed for the first time in 5th grade. It was a group hip-hop routine to Car Wash by Christina Aguilera. 6th grade was Lose Control by Missy Elliott.  I still remember most of the choreography to this day.


  • How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?

Just over two years!


  • Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?

Apprehensive is probably a great word to describe how I felt. I had been doing small group training at a local gym but hit a plateau with progress. I wanted something different and CrossFit seemed like a good match, but I was super worried I would hurt myself or wouldn’t be able to keep up. My first workout was a partner WOD that started with a 40’ partner carry. Reading the whiteboard my first thought was ‘I’m going to do WHAT for HOW MANY FEET?!’, but I survived. Shout out to Diana for trusting me to carry her during my first class!


  • What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?

Honestly, any time I finish a workout is something I’m proud of. CrossFit workouts are no joke and it’s as much of a mental workout as it is a physical one. If I had to pick one, it’s probably being able to do toes to bar. I still can’t string them together, but the few that I can do I’m super proud of!


  • Design your perfect workout?

4 Rounds for Time:
250m Row
20 Ab-mat sit ups
10 Push ups
50 Single Unders

  • What is your least favorite movement?

Wallballs, without a doubt. The marker on the wall is always just so far away and my arms are only so long.


  • Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.

Do what makes you happy.


  • Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?

Having the outlet to lift anything (heavy or not) and de-stress has been, quite literally, life changing. The biggest change is that I’m less anxious on a daily basis and don’t need to take medication anymore. Additionally, I don’t have back issues as often as I used to, and I can run again without pain.


  • What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?

For anyone thinking about joining- just try it! You never know until you try and you have nothing to lose by trying something new. For anyone who has recently joined- stick with it. At first the workouts are hard and you’re probably sore from just thinking about the workout (at least, that’s how I was). If you stick with it, it does get easier with time. Go at your own pace and have fun!

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