
Diana Goode – October 2020 Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Diana Goode, our October Member of the Month here at Viking Athletics! Diana conquered her fear of jumping on a 24″ box, but still hates the assault bike (can you blame her?). She’s a loyal member of our 4pm class on weekdays and 10am class on weekends. Enjoy her interview!

Diana Goode - October 2020 Member of the Month

  • What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?

My kids and my dogs! And the extra kids I have taken on due to the quarantine – kid’s boyfriends and ex-boyfriends! I also volunteer at A Journey Home delivering furniture to people, mostly veterans, who have recently transitioned out of homelessness. It is awesome when they finally get an apartment, but often they have nothing, so I help deliver donated furniture and household items.

  • Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?

Well many people know that I have worms – composting worms that eat trash, everything except metal, plastic and meat and they make dirt. So I basically don’t have trash. I think taking care of the environment is very important, I collect rainwater off my roof and use that water to water plants, I planted clover instead of grass so I don’t water, fertilize and don’t mow very often. I am also trying to live a life without plastic which is pretty much impossible, but I am trying.

Editor’s note – When we play the name game and ask members to state something interesting about themselves, this is Diana’s fact. And every time I hear it, my mind still goes here:
Diana Goode - October 2020 Member of the Month

I also love to travel, that’s why I have the airplane tattoo with country codes

  • How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?

2 years

  • Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?

I was VERY intimidated. You are a strong group! I did CrossFit in Simsbury for a year prior to joining, but the athletes at Viking are amazing. Really strong women for sure. I am pushed every work out.

And I am old, I don’t remember yesterday’s workout, let alone my first Viking workout!

  • What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?

Box jumping 24”

  • Design your perfect workout?

Run to the Corner Pug and stay there

Diana Good - October 2020 Member of the Month

  • What is your least favorite movement?

Not really a movement, but I am not a fan of the assault bike!

  • Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.

Work, work out, kids, dogs

  • Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?

Working out is very mental for me, not just physical. A good workout just gets me in a better mood. If I am cranky at all, my kids will often say “you didn’t work out today did you?” Hmmmmm

  • What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?

Everyone was new once

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