CrossFit Relentless Programming Update
by Erik Castiglione
Greetings Relentless family!
Today’s blog post is to notify everyone about the changes coming to the CrossFit Relentless programming. We have been following CrossFit New England’s programming for the last several months (I think it started in October, before I moved back to West Hartford). Today is the day we break away from CrossFit New England’s programming and shift to programming that is custom tailored to the needs of the CrossFit Relentless family. I will be implementing a strength bias, which means that most days, we will do some sort of strength work, be it a barbell lift, kettlebell movement, or bodyweight movement, followed by a metcon. If we have skill work, it will be targeted skill work with suggested progressions. This will result in more structured class time, with a greater focus on form and technique.
Over the next 4 weeks, we will be establishing baseline numbers in most of our major lifts. We will be working up to 5, 3, and 1 rep maxes in squat and press variations. To work on our Oly lifts, we will be performing simple barbell complexes and gradually increasing weight. At the end of this cycle, we will test our Oly lifts in addition to the slower lifts, so that everyone will have up to date numbers logged in Wodify. After this cycle ends, a good amount of our training will be based on percentages of our 1 rep maxes, which will not make sense to use if we do not have maxes established. If you would like to know the reasoning behind the strength bias, stay tuned for next week’s post! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please message me, or feel free to use the feedback button in Wodify, which can be anonymous if you want it to (see screenshot below).
Stay relentless,