
Christine Rogers – April 2024 Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Christine Rogers, our April 2024 member of the month here at Viking Athletics! Christine is a loyal member of our 530pm CrossFit class, having joined us in January of this year. She loves coffee and gymnastics movements, and is proud of competing in the CrossFit Open this year. Christine enjoys trying new restaurants, and has a love/hate relationship with the clean (don’t we all?). Keep reading below to learn more about Christine!


1) What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of the gym?
Outside of the gym you can find me trying new restaurants in the area or traveling. I love coffee. I will always be drinking one in the morning. I also love doing puzzles.

2) Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
I was adopted from China and grew up in New Jersey. I hated CT when I first came here for college, but over the years I have been shown that CT is not that bad and now I live here.

3) How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
I joined in January 2024!

4) Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
I do not remember the exact workouts, but I remember being humbled super fast, as this is my first time doing CrossFit. I also remember feeling super welcomed by everyone and realizing that this is exactly what I was looking for. The support and in person coaching makes for the perfect environment.

5) What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
I think something that I am most proud of was pushing myself to do the CrossFit Open. Coming in I had no idea what it was and what it entailed but I just went for it and surprised myself along the way.

6) Design your perfect workout?
An AMRAP of some kind that involves gymnastic movements.

7) What is your least favorite movement?
Any type of clean. It is a love hate relationship. One day I can do it and than the next it is like I have never
moved a bar before.

8) Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
Bougie on a budget

9) Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?
I was the type of person who spent hours at the gym, but since joining CrossFit I feel better than ever after just a hour workout. I also love the social aspect. Meeting people who share the same interest in working out.

10) What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
Keep an open mind and just show up and have fun!

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