Congratulations to Aly Thomas, our December 2022 Member of the Month here at Viking Athletics! Aly is a diehard Boston sports fan, loves to travel, and sees the snatch as her nemesis. Learn more about Aly below!
- What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of the gym?
Travel absolutely tops the list; I also love to hike and ski, I’m an avid reader, I can’t get enough live theatre, and I’m a diehard Boston sports fan.
- Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?
With travel, I think it’s always important to eat local / try local specialties. I have tried a lot of interesting foods (haggis, pig’s ear, shark fin, chicken feet, goose liver, fried worms, durian), and I can honestly say, I didn’t dislike any of it. So people find it strange when I note that there is only one food/drink that I truly don’t like (and it’s extremely common) – coffee.
- How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?
I am coming up on my 3 year anniversary. I joined as soon as I moved to CT (February 2020); I got a few weeks in before the pandemic shut the world down, and was back as soon as the doors reopened that summer.
- Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?
I don’t remember my first workout here, but I distinctly remember my first time checking out Viking. I was house-hunting a few weeks before my move, and my realtor was nice enough to swing by the gym between showings (as I wanted to make sure there was a CrossFit nearby). I knew almost instantly that I found my new [CrossFit] home – the noon class was so welcoming (and I wasn’t even working out!), and Erik took the time to give me a quick overview of the gym and on his coaching philosophy. The vibe / community attracted me, and the coaching and programming keep me here.
- What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?
I’m always excited when I’m able to RX a workout, but one achievement that stands out for me was the last Open workout earlier this year – I did [unassisted kipping] pull-ups in a workout for the first time ever. I couldn’t string them together, but I got them all done!
- Design your perfect workout?
3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
15 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
- What is your least favorite movement?
Easy – the Snatch is my arch-nemesis, the bane of my existence, and my white whale all at the same time. It’s also a [not-so-friendly] reminder of the importance of [practicing, improving] form.
- Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.
“Don’t live the same day twice” (sorry, I needed 6)
- Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?
I’ve always been focused on healthy eating, but since completing a nutrition challenge at Viking last year, I’m now better at finding ways to get more protein into my diet. The challenge helped reinforce it to the point that when I do get hungry, I don’t even bother reaching for a carb-heavy snack, as I know I need something more substantial.
I’ve also been able to build up strength and endurance (to a whole new level), which has helped me crush some epic hikes.
- What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?
Don’t be intimidated (CrossFit is for all levels of fitness), and don’t be afraid to ask for help/modifications when working through an injury.