
Allie Faroni – September Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Allie Faroni for being CFR’s September Member of the Month.  She is a loyal member of the 7pm class and is a big rugby fan! Read below to learn more about her!

Allie Faroni - September Member of the Month

NOTE FROM ALLIE: I wanted to take this moment to say something and I do apologize in advance for getting so deep. This past year has been the best year of my life. I’m a totally different person not only physically but MOST important mentally. I can genuinely say for the first time in my life that I am happy and I really don’t just owe that to CrossFit but to CFR. Thank you to the entire Relentless family and the people I’ve become closest to over this past year, you know who you are. You will never understand how grateful I am for the love and support I’ve received and continue to receive in and outside of the gym. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

1)      What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?

I love sports and football is my favorite. Basically this time of year I’m really busy on Sundays so unless it involves donuts or Leonardo DiCaprio I’m going to have to pass. I’m a bit of a movie buff and am always down for a movie night over going out any day. I enjoy going to concerts and NOT sitting in my seat the entire show. When there is nicer weather I love being outside. I like going for walks on the trail where I live or just shooting hoops in my backyard. If you’re trying to get crossed let me know.

2)      Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?

I use to play and coach rugby! It’s definitely still one of my favorite sports and love when I get to catch a game on TV. If I had the time I’d be down to play now for one of the women’s teams in CT.

3)      How long have you been with us at CFR?

Just hit my 1 year Sept 11th!

4)      Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?

My first week here was in the on-ramp and I was extremely nervous. I had a lot of anxiety and fear and really couldn’t have been more intimidated. Just being overweight and out of shape I was very much out of my comfort zone, plus on top of that I knew the workouts would be super intense for me regardless of what they were. I have to say though my nerves did get a lot better as it went on, I felt really lucky to have the on-ramp class I did. They cheered me on every workout which was super cool and really appreciated! As far as the first workout I specifically remember doing abmat sit-ups and really struggling to get up on them. Fast forward to today and now I just pray they’re in tabatas so I can make up reps.

5)      What moment/achievement are you most proud of at CFR?

I have quite a few but I’d have to say the one I’m most proud of is box jumps. It was one of my biggest goals to jump the 20in box before my one year here at CFR. Not only did I do that (shout out to my girl Emma Bond for that push) a couple weeks later I hit the 24in too! (Shout out to coach D for always getting me out of my head). And to think back in the on-ramp I was jumping on the smallest box in the gym and super scared to do it too!

6)      Design your perfect workout?

Eh anything sounds good as long as it’s not Karen or Nancy, OR running on Tuesdays COACH ERIK.
Note from Coach Erik: YOU’LL GET RUNNING AND LIKE IT! Sometimes we run on consecutive Tuesdays, and sometimes we don’t run on Tuesdays for a whole month (like October. You’re welcome!)

7)      What is your least favorite movement?

Wallballs. If you look at question 6 they’re right before overhead squats and burpees on Lucifer’s to do list.

8)      Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.

Yesterday you said tomorrow

9)      Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?

After becoming a CrossFit athlete my lifestyle really has changed so much. Number one thing that has changed I’d say is my nutrition. I’m definitely more conscious of what I put into my body and these days would much rather cook home than eat out. I used to be very lazy and now I’m so much more active. I like to get out and do things, I just want to move! I honestly never thought rest days would be so hard.

10)   What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?

Honestly just do it. Give it a try at least, I feel like you have nothing to lose. The Relentless family is amazing and you’ll always have them behind you. Add the work in plus all the support and I know you can achieve your goals here. The best decision I ever made in my life was walking through that door. Could be yours too. Just drink the kool-aid dammit!

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