
Tiffany Christner – March 2022 Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Tiffany Christner, our March member of the month! Tiffany is a loyal member of our evening classes. As a former gymnast, she loves gymnastics intensive workouts (see below), and outside of the gym she loves to hike. Learn more about her below!

Tiffany Christner
  • What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of the gym?

I really enjoy hiking; last summer I attempted to hike the CT section of the Appalachian Trail in a long weekend but had to postpone after 30 miles because of a hurricane.

  • Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?

Before I was 18, I had only gone in the ocean once. 

  • How long have you been with us at Viking Athletics?

4 years! And it’s been quite the journey!

  • Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?

I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to lift heavy weights.  I sure didn’t want to get hurt.  But I needed a change of pace and was searching for something that would be fun and give me the kind of workout that I had while competing in sports.  All my concerns were addressed right from the start, and now not only do I enjoy lifting heavy, but I’ve made consistent, healthy progress for four years.

  • What moment/achievement are you most proud of at Viking Athletics?

Okay, so it may sound silly, but push-ups.  I really wanted to do push-ups in the workouts without scaling, but just could not do the volume.  Coach Mo worked with me to create a four-week program that I could do while traveling over the holidays.  It worked! I was finally able to stop scaling my push-ups!

  • Design your perfect workout?

A crazy-monkey-gymnastics day!
20 Minute AMRAP:
1 Rope Climb
3 Wall Walks
5 Toes to Bar
10 Air Squats
15 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Double Unders

  • What is your least favorite movement?

Probably double unders. I’ve still got a way to go with how I approach them both form-wise and not letting them get in my head.  

  • Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.

Be present where you are.

  • Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle since joining Viking Athletics?

CrossFit has become my go-to for resetting my brain when I’m going through stressful times.  It’s allowed me to handle more stress in my life and have it impact me less.  Which in turn has opened opportunities for me that I would not have considered before.

  • What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?

It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing yet.  It took me a year to remember what a snatch was without having to look it up before class or ask someone.  When we learn we grow, so embrace the awkward growth stage just as much as you embrace the newbie gains.  And don’t forget to tell the rest of us because we love swapping awkward stories and celebrating wins!

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