
Kristina Wells Rozek – July Member of the Month!

Congratulations to Kristina Wells Rozek on being CFR’s July Member of the Month. She is a loyal member of the 6 pm class!

Kristina Wells Rozek - July Member of the Month!

1) What are your hobbies/interest/talents outside of CrossFit?

No surprise here … I love photography. But my other hobbies include hiking, kayaking, cooking and Netflix binge watching (current binge is Sons of Anarchy).

2) Share with us one thing that most people do NOT know about you?

I am an award-winning crime and investigative newspaper reporter. I left that career in 2008 and had no idea what I was going to do with my life — no job, no idea where to live. So I came to Connecticut and squatted with my sister and then landed a job as a corporate communicator.

3) How long have you been with us at CFR?

Three years and four months (but who’s counting?)

4) Take us back to your first week here. How did you feel? Remember the workout?

Sadly, I don’t recall my first workout at CFR but definitely remember my first ever CrossFit workout. It was a month before joining CFR and I was visiting a friend in California — I recall it involved pistols and sprints … and it lasted 28 minutes. Let’s just say the 5-mile hike I did the next day was a little rough. But I was hooked! The first memorable WOD at CFR was Murph which came up about 6 weeks after I joined. I only did half the reps that first time (but both full runs). The next time, I did it ALL and finished in 55 minutes (which is about how long it took me to do half the reps a year earlier). Better than yesterday … every day thanks to the CFR community and coaches.

5 )What moment/achievement are you most proud of at CFR?

The day I signed on at CFR and did my first workout.  I started CrossFit in my 40s. I easily had 10-15 (even 20) years on my coaches and others in the class and I wasn’t sure I could do any of it; plus, I was about 20 pounds overweight. But I took that first step and I haven’t looked back since. I’m proud of that first step and all the small ones I’ve made along the way thanks to this awesome community of athletes.

6) Design your perfect workout?

Deadlifts, rowing, cleans, box jumps. But I must admit I really, really, really love 16.4 (even though it involved wall balls)

7) What is your least favorite movement?

See number 6 … Wall balls (Karen … you’re a bitch)

8) Summarize your lifestyle in 5 words or less.

Every day is an adventure

9) Have you experienced any changes in your lifestyle now that you have been a CrossFit athlete?

Many! My nutrition is much better, more balanced. I have a lot more energy and stamina. I genuinely enjoy working out … I make it a priority in my life but don’t let it own me either. It’s about balance and that’s an important, positive change in my life. I listen to my body a lot more than I used to. When it needs rest, I take it. When it’s injured, I let it heal. When it needs fuel, I feed it. When it wants to lift heavy, I allow it 🙂

10) What advice do you have for anyone who is thinking about joining or who has recently joined?

Be patient. Your progress is YOURS and yours alone. You do you. There is absolutely NO shame in scaling the workout to your ability. Sweat is sweat, prescribed or scaled. I’ve been doing this for three years and I still don’t have strict pullups. I’m ok with it because I still show up, I get a workout in even with banded pull ups. Just show up.


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