
2022 Intramural Open – Week 1 Update

Open WOD 22.1 has come and gone, and we had a great turnout for week 1! Here’s our week 1 update! The WOD:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

My thoughts:
  1. This was a great WOD to test overall stamina. It included a push, pull, and dynamic movement.

  2. I’m not, and never have been a fan of wall walks in a conditioning setting. It’s a movement that has value in teaching athletes to properly stack their joints, and learn proper handstand positioning. It should be done slowly, and under control.

  3. If #2 is the case, then why include them in a workout? Simple: for accessibility and ease of judgement. Wall walks are easier for most people than handstand push-ups, without normalizing for form. But, in competition, form is not a concern; it is ease of judging that matters. Every year including handstand push-ups has had a different standard for that movement, and every year, people have managed to find loopholes. So, a movement that is easier to judge makes sense.

I’m very proud of the effort put forth by our athletes, and we saw some phenomenal scores. Rather than waste your time with more speculation, let’s move on to scores. One last word: we awarded Team Spirit points to team 1 this week. They tied with team 2 for most athletes who participated in the WOD, but since they hosted Friday Night Lights and provided the food and drink this week, that was the tie breaker. It’s a close race, and here’s how things stand:

Week 1 Update

For full results, you can view our online scoresheet here. Now, on to week 2!

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