
2019 Intramural Open – Final Update

It’s finally over! I’m sure that was everyone’s reaction upon completing 19.5. Well, their reaction to the WOD, at least. It’s always bittersweet to see the end of the Open. On the one hand, it inspires tremendous camaraderie and pushes people to do things they didn’t they could, and on the other hand it inspires anxiety about what the next workout will be. Given our tradition of hosting Friday Night Lights, it’s also a tremendous amount of work for team captains, judges, and coaches. Thank God that part is over.

Our last FNL was a success! Chalk Dirty to Me joked about doing a pig roast for their previous luau theme, and this week, they made it a reality. It was supposed to be 50° and sunny, and yet the weather took a turn for the worse and it was a chilly, rainy, and raw day. Braving the elements and modifying the pig in a truly Dexter-esque fashion to make it fit in the box, team pig got it done. Those who stuck around long enough got to enjoy some delicious pork, and some of us learned that a Sawzall is excellent for cutting through flesh. All 10 spirit points go to Chalk Dirty to Me for this week.

2019 Intramural Open - Final Update

At the start of the Open, we announced that we would award 5 points each to the team with the best team name, and best team swag. As determined by a coaches’ vote, Chalk Dirty to Me wins the best team name. Jacked in the Box with their retro sunglasses, headbands, shirts, etc. won for best swag. We also announced at the start that people who logged their scores for all 5 weeks through the CrossFit Games site would receive a 5-point bonus this week. As you’re all aware by now, 5 weeks is a long time to keep up the excitement and remain focused. So, congratulations to everyone who managed to do it.

And now, without further ado, it is my pleasure to announce the 2019 CrossFit Relentless Intramural Open champions: team Booty and the Beast! The trophy presentation will take place after Mr. Trophy gives me an estimate on how long it will take them to update the CFR cup. In the meantime, the final scoring breakdown is below. There were 2 scorecards that did not have names, and I’m done tracking people down at this point. Besides, there’s really nothing that could alter the standings at this point. Until next year, I’m peacing out.

2019 Intramural Open - Final Update

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